Welcome to Sun City Dental Care Smile Page!
Sun City Dental Care
Dental Care You Can Smile About!
Site Design by Temporal Productions  �  E-Mail: [email protected]
Suite B2, 10147 Grand Avenue
Sun City, Arizona, 85351
Tel: 1-623-933-1874
Attaining YOUR Perfect Smile!

To refer to Dr. Joseph Chang simply as "a Dentist", is to minimize
his artistry. He is able to transform ANY cosmetic deficiencies into
reborn beauty. After studying various techniques, in depth,
analyzing the "pluses and minuses" of each, he is able to provide
you with the most direct, efficient and PLEASANT path towards the
smile you desire! He continues to research and study to offer you
the latest in Dental Technology!
Add the impressive skill set of Dr. Chang to the incredilbly caring
attitude of his staff, and you have the PERFECT dental experience!
The staff at Sun City Dental Care truly CARES about your comfort
and well being and it is evident in personalized attention to every
patient they care for...